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#1 2016-03-30 15:53:35

Dołączył: 2016-03-30
Liczba postów: 1
Windows 8.1Chrome 49.0.2623.87

DemonicMu Wspanaily serwer exp350 wiecej informacji w linku

Zapraszam na wspanialy serwer

- We offer you qualitatively fast dedicated long term MU Online server without bugs or lags.
- Server is almost 99.9% bug-free that means you can freely explore everything without being disconnected.
- Server has great defense also secured with anti-cheat that means no more hackers and cheaters play fair and enjoy your pvp matches.
- Server does not turn off never! We are fully at work 24/7.
- Demonic MU will always have your back if you got problems or questions feel free to PM or talk to us about it we are always available and ready to help.
- Demonic MU is what you are looking for join today be a part of the family.

Server basic information
- Version: Season 6 Episode 3(Files Premium IGCN)
- Experience: 350x
- Drop rate: 65%
- Points per level: 4/5/7 (standart)
- After reset: Keep items and stats
- Reset Zen: 250.000.000 Zen
- Post Command = 700.000 Zen
- Bless bug: Off
- Max level: 400
- Max stats: 32767
- Ancient + Excellent F.O.
- Exchange online hours for credits
- Vote for credits
- WebShop
- Grand reset system

Server Advanced information
- Dedicated host without any lag.
- 32G Ram , Procesore i7.
- 1Gbit/s Line.
- LiveGuard Premium.
- Balanced PVP.
- 24/7 Online.

Available commands
- /add - Add stats in-game.
- /post - Send message to post chat.
- /pkclear - Clear your pk status.
- /reset - Reset your character from game. 400 level required.

All other commands are available when you press the D button.

Success rates
- Upgrade items +10+11+12+13+14+15: 75%
- Chaos combination for wings 2 LVL: 85%
- Chaos combination for wings 3 LVL: 85%
- Wings + HP chance: 85%
- Jewel of soul & bless: 100%
- Jewel of life success rate: 100%

InGame Quest and Events
- Imperial Fort Event
- Double Goer (Doppelganger)
- Castle Siege
- Loren Deep
- CryWolf
- Devil Square (1-7)
- Blood Castle (1-8)
- Chaos Castle (1-7)
- Illusion Temple Event
- Swamp of Peace (Medusa)
- Rabbits Invasion
- Pouch of Blessing Invasion
- Golden Monster Invasion
- White Wizard Invasion
- Battle Soccer
- Kalima (1-7) Event
- Kanturu Event
- LaColen Event
- Exclusive Custom Last Man Stating event

Lottery Events
- Lucky Coin
- Lucky Items System
- Rena Event
- Chaos Card
- Moss The Gambler

If you have any questions or problems‚ please contact our team on the forum or mail to support@demonicmu.com

WebSite: www.demonicmu.com
Forum: www.forum.demonicmu.com


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