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Strony: 1
* Experience: 1000x
* Drop rate: 50%
* Version: Season 1 (99.62XT) + Quest System + 3D Camera + Minimap
* Reset level: 400
* Max level: 400
* Max reset: 30 + 2rr Every Weekends
* Clear Invetory: No! You can reset with your items!
* Keep stats: No!
* Reset Points: BK - 330 ELF - 370 SM - 360 MG - 450 DL - 380
* Reset Bonus: 20 Bonus Points if reset with stones!
* Reset Zen: 10 mil x ResetNumber
* Stat Points: BK/SM/ELF - 3 MG - 6 DL - 5
* PK Clear Zen: 10M x Kills
* Guild Create level: 100
* Bless Bug: OFF
* Spawns: Spawns in All Maps
* ManaShield: AgilityPercent = 200 EnergyPercent = 500 MaximumPercentage = %50
* GreaterFortitude: Vitality Percent = 100 EnergyPercent = 100
* Balanced PVP: No Immortal Charachter
* Auction Market: On! Bet with credits and stones!
* WebShop: No WebShop ! No Donate Items ! ->Clear Gameplay to watch inventory and total stats!
* WebMarket: On !Buy/Sell items for Credits,Zen,Jewels
* Boss Mobs: Sea Worm, Kundum , Erohim
* Events: Quest System, Sky Event, Hunt Event, Find Event,Blood Castle,Devil Square,Chaos Castle, Castle Siege, Red Dragon Invasions, Golden Invasions, White Wizard Invasions, 3 Different Boss Events, GM Events
* Commands: /post, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /marry, /online, /evo, /buyvip, /questinfo, /findnpc, /reghunt
New Events,Jewels, Fixes
* Jewel Of Dragon:Makes Simple item to Excellent item with random excellent option
* Jewel Of Excellent:add excellent 1 more option to excellent item.Max 2 options
* Jewel Of External:Makes +28 Set items/weapons, Shields +35, Rings %7 Hp Rec.
* Jewel Of Luck:add Luck on items except rings/pendants.
* Jewel Of Skill:add Skill on Shields,Weapons.
* Jewel Of Mystical:Upgrade levels of Rings,Pendants.
* Jewel Of Rainbow: Remove 1 random excellent option on item.
* Agility Bug Fix : You can use evilsprits even 32k Agility
* Fisual Bug Fix: No more Damage,Hp,Mana Bugs
Website Options
* WEB MARKET : Sell your items even you are offline for credits,zen,jewels
* AUCTION SYSTEM: BeT for Stones /Credits !
* ADVANTAGE TICKET SYSTEM: Send ticket to get support directly from Admins/GameMasters
* DUAL STATS: You will have 2 stats (example: PVP Stats, Invasion Stats , Buffer Elf, Agg Elf etc) Swich tham easly 1 click
* ADVANTAGE RESET SYSTEM: Reset your Character regular or with Bonus (Stone)
* EXCHANGE ONLINE TIME: Stay online and earn free credits !
* EXCHANGE FRUITS: Exchange fruits to bonus points (Keeps after reset character)
* EXCHANGE QUESTS : Earn 5 Bonus Points every each complated Quests (Keeps after reset character)
* EXCHANGE STONE : Exchange stones to zen or Box of Kundum or Credits (featured Option)
* MARRY REWARD: Marry in game and GET Reward only 1 time (Wellcome to more social Game )
* GET NEW CHARACTER REWARD: Each max reset and get reward of new character bonus (4 Resets +Bonus Points)
* ZEN BANK : DEPOSIT/WITHDRAW ZENFrom website on 1 Click
* GLOBAL POST : Send Global Message in Game as Admin/Games Master !
* CREATE CHARACTER: Create Character in Website !
* REGISTER CASTLE SIEGE : Register Castle Siege from Website. You dont need to go Valley of Loren and no need to have Guild with 20 Member and alliance!
* ADVANTAGE VOTE REWARD SYSTEM: Vote Us every 24 hours and win free credits !
* BLACK RED : Feel Lucky? Try your chance on black-red game!
* CREDITS CASINO : Feel Lucky again? Roulette your credits. Chance of win double credits is %50.
* UPCOMING EVENTS: Fallow the upcoming events
* EVENTS TIMING: Fallow timeleft to events
* Skip Quest :
* Reset Quests:
* Rename Character
* Rename Account
* Transfer Character
* Add Luck on Эtem
* Website Chaos Machine
* and alot more. Please visit our website.
Strony: 1