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Strony: 1
General Information:
Version: Season II
Experience: 3x
Drop: 30%
Monster HP: 100%
Points Per Level: 5(6)/7
Max Level: 400
Resets: No
MG Unlock: 220lvl
DL Unlock: 250lvl
Soldier Elf Buff Till: 200lvl
SD Shield: On
Harmony: On
Bless Bug: Off
Jewels in Shops: No
Box in Shops: No
Items Max add: +28
Items Max level: +13
Character Delete Max Level: 100
Alliance Required Members: 5
Guild Create Level: 100
BK Combo: Off
Shop Sell Bless Price: 1,500,000 zen
Shop Sell Soul Price: 1,000,000 zen
Shop Sell Chaos Price: 270,000 zen
Shop Sell Life Price: 5,000,000 zen
Shop Sell Creation Price: 3,000,000 zen
Shop Sell Guardian Price: 3,000,000 zen
Box of Kundun drop:
BoK+1: Leather, Pad, Vine Sets, Rings
BoK+2: Scale, Bone, Silk Sets, Pendants
BoK+3: Brass, Sphinx, Wind Sets
BoK+4: Plate, Sphinx, Spirit, Light Plate Sets
BoK+5: Dragon, Legendary, Guardian, Storm Crow, Adamantine Sets
Success Rates:
Soul: 50%
Soul+Luck: 75%
Life: 70%
Item+10: 90%
Item+11: 80%
Item+12: 70%
Item+13: 60%
Dark Horse: 60%
Dark Spirit: 60%
Party Exp:
Party2: 160%
Party3: 180%
Party4: 200%
Party5: 220%
Set Party3: 230%
Set Party4: 250%
Set Party5: 280%
Lord Mix:
Jewel of Bless: 30x1
Jewel of Soul: 30x1
Jewel of Guardian: 30
Zen: 1kkk
In-game Commands:
/post (Minimum level: 50, Zen: 100k)
Weekly Castle Siege
Blood Castle
Devil Square
Chaos Castle (06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 20:00, 24:00 everyday)
White Wizard Invasion (08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00 everyday)
Kanturu Event
Crywolf Event (12:00, 22:00 everyday)
Castle Deep Event (11:30; 23:30 everyday)
Golden Invasion (12:00, 18:00, 24:00 everyday)
Red Dragon Invasion (08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00 everyday)
Skeleton King (04:00, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 24:00 everyday)
Strony: 1